Hydrogen Generator - Hyver Green Technologies

If you are looking for a reliable and efficient way to produce green hydrogen from renewable energy sources, you should consider our electrolyser models.

We are manufacturers of AEM and PEM electrolysers. In both our AEM and PEM electrolysers the hydrogen is produced by passing an electric current through water. The current splits the water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen atoms. The hydrogen atoms are then collected on one side of the membrane, while the oxygen atoms are collected on the other side.’

electrolysers are highly efficient, reliable, and durable. They are also modular and scalable, making them easy to deploy and expand as needed.

Hyver Green offers four series of electrolysers


Light commercial series


Commercial series


Industrial series


Heavy duty series

Each series is designed for a specific set of needs. For example, the HydroStart series is ideal for small businesses and organizations that need to produce hydrogen for on-site use. The HydroEdge series is designed for larger commercial applications, such as hydrogen refueling stations. The HydroPro series is designed for industrial applications, such as ammonia production and oil refining. And the HydroTitan series is designed for heavy duty applications, such as power generation and steelmaking.

Our specialities

  • Our stack module comprises of stacks that can deliver up to 99.999 %pure hydrogen under continuous operation.
  • Our electrolysers are manufactured using the highest quality materials and components and they are backed by a comprehensive warranty.
  • Our PEM electrolysers are known for their high efficiency and reliability

High efficiency

Our electrolyser has a faradaic efficiency of up to 95%.

Low maintenance

Our electrolyser is designed for low maintenance and hundreds of start/stops.

Long lifespan

Our Expected lifetime is >25000 hours.

Comprehensive warranty

Our electrolyser is backed by a1.5 - Year warranty.


Our stack module is equipped with state-of-the- art stack health and performance monitoring

Hyver Green’s PEM electrolysers

PEM stands for proton exchange membrane, a technology that uses a solid polymer membrane to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. Our PEM electrolysers are compact, modular, and scalable, ranging from 1 to 10,000 Nm3/h of hydrogen production capacity. They can operate at high pressures and respond quickly to changes in power input, making them ideal for grid balancing and energy storage applications. PEM electrolysers are highly efficient and reliable, and they are becoming increasingly popular for hydrogen production applications. With our PEM electrolysers, you can benefit from lower operating costs, longer lifetime, and higher safety standards than conventional electrolysis methods. Contact us today to find out more about our PEM electrolyser models and how they can help you achieve your green hydrogen goals.

PEM electrolysers offer several advantages over other types of water electrolysers, including:

High efficiency

PEM electrolysers have a higher efficiency than other types of water electrolysers, meaning that they can produce more hydrogen with less electricity.

Fast response time

PEM electrolysers can quickly respond to changes in electricity demand, making them ideal for use with renewable energy sources such as solar and wind.

Wide operating range

PEM electrolysers can operate at a wide range of temperatures and pressures, making them suitable for a variety of applications.

Compact size

PEM electrolysers are relatively compact in size, making them easy to install and transport.

Hyver Green’s AEM electrolysers

AEM electrolysers are a new type of technology that is revolutionizing the way we produce hydrogen. Unlike traditional alkaline electrolysers, AEM electrolysers use a specialized membrane to separate the hydrogen and oxygen produced during electrolysis.

How our AEM Electrolysers Work

The specialized membrane used in AEM electrolysers is made of a material that is permeable to hydroxide ions (OH-). This means that the OH- ions can pass through the membrane, while the hydrogen and oxygen atoms cannot. This ensures that the hydrogen and oxygen are kept separate, which prevents them from recombining into water. AEM electrolysers are a rapidly developing technology with the potential to revolutionize the way we produce hydrogen. As the technology continues to mature, we can expect to see AEM electrolysers become even more efficient, affordable, and versatile.

Electrolysers are playing an increasingly important role in the global transition to a clean energy future. They are a key technology to produce green hydrogen from renewable energy sources. Green hydrogen is a clean and sustainable fuel that can be used to generate electricity, power vehicles, and produce heat. It is also a versatile feedstock for a variety of industrial applications.

Here are some specific examples of how electrolysers are being used to create a more sustainable future:

Renewable energy storage

Electrolysers can be used to store excess renewable energy in the form of hydrogen. This can help to balance the grid and ensure that renewable energy is available when needed.

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Hydrogen transportation

Electrolysers can be used to produce hydrogen for fuel cell vehicles. This is a zero-emission transportation solution that can help to reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

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Industrial decarbonization

Electrolysers can be used to produce green hydrogen for a variety of industrial applications, such as ammonia production, oil refining, and steelmaking. This can help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from these sectors.

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Electrolysers are a key technology for the development of a clean and sustainable global economy. As the demand for green hydrogen continues to grow, Hyver Green’s electrolysers are expected to play an increasingly important role in creating a more sustainable future.